Occupation Day 19
I spent about ten hours at the site today but I’m too beat to write about it! Sorry!
Please refer to team members for questions about specific projects.
Thanks to the fact sheet team for getting the new revised edition up and running.
In solidarity,
- HANDOUT/edits: Art, Andy, Kelli
- TALKING POINTS: Kelli, Amanda, Kim
- CDT AD: Kelli
- DEP PERMIT REVOCATION: Sara, Andy, Dave S., Katherine, Mark H.
- LETTER TO PSU ALUM DEP ADMIN HEADS: Laura, integrating David H. BOT letter language.
- SITE AND SUPPLY: Janet E., Dave S., Kelli
- Letters to the Editor: Erin, Irmi, Don, Bernie, Ingrid
- BIKE TOUR: VOLUNTEER FOUND!!! Kim thinks she may have found a point to lead the effort! Kim will liaison.
(Please let Joe (jpcusumano@gmail.com) know if you would like to be added to the calendar to sign up to spend time at the site)
ACTION: I created a FB check in. It’s called Nittany Valley Water Coalition Encampment. Please check in at the site regularly. Both virtually and in real life!!
Wish List:
- Dry erase board
Please use your contacts to reach out to property owners in very visible locations to display No Toll signs.
If you haven’t yet, please sign the new petition, Demand that Penn State Acts as a Responsible Steward to Our Community’s Water
Pass it on please!
Staying Informed and In Touch
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Nittany Valley Water Coalition Website
Bailiwick News – Compiled 10-part series.