From Kelli Hoover, President of Nittany Valley Environmental Coalition
Great event last night with the community coming out to say NO to Nestle.
We should be VERY concerned about Nestle’s statement Monday night that Spring Township Water Authority would continue to own the well Nestle will take over.
That’s irrelevant.
The fact is that Nestle would not come here to build a $50 million bottling plant without a long-term guarantee of the use of that water. STWA is planning to convey a water-right to Nestle that would take an expensive, protracted legal battle to reverse should Spring Creek water quantity or quality begin to be affected, or private wells begin to see a drop in water levels.
It’s not as simple as STWA just saying to Nestle, we want you to shut off your spigot. Once Nestle is in, there is no getting them out or stopping them from increasing how much water they take.
Show me a community that has been able to do that without a huge legal battle.
Thanks to Sierra Club for hosting the event and Elaine at Webster’s for the donation of refreshments.