The Musser Gap to Valleylands Project (MG2V) is a joint project between Penn State Landscape Architecture students and ClearWater Conservancy: “a one-time, interdisciplinary course centered around developing a plan for the 365 acre, University owned land in Musser Gap and valley lands.”
The project kicked off with a press release announcement on Dec. 11, 2018. The first of three community meetings was held Feb. 7, 2019. The second community meeting was held March 28, 2019, and included presentations of five concept plans by Landscape Architecture students. Images below.
The first five concept plans were developed using community feedback gathered through an online survey (which garnered more than 1,000 responses), along with feedback gathered at the first community meeting, and feedback gathered at a small-group, invitation-only stakeholders meeting held in mid-February.
The students will reportedly use feedback gathered at the second community meeting, and through another online survey, to further refine the concept plans.
The refined concept plans will then be presented to the public at a third and final community meeting, to be held on April 18 25, 2019, at Foxdale Village (500 E. Marylyn Ave.) from 6 to 8 p.m.
Limited information is available via MG2V Facebook and Instagram accounts. Project coordinators can also be reached by email:

Prior Penn State Press Releases: